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All about for those who want learn Portuguese and discover the Silver Coast region as a great place to practice Portuguese or study in Portugal.

Hunting Dog Breeds in Portugal

Hunting Dog Breeds in Portugal

A dog is not just an animal that brightens up our leisure and loneliness. This is a devoted, intelligent, selfless being who seeks to help a person, to participate in his life. The dog guards us when we sleep, guards the house when we are away, follows us everywhere and cannot imagine his life without … Ler mais

Café Behavior

Café Behavior

Coming to Portugal as tourists, we may not have much need to deal with many domestic issues. We usually limit ourselves to a few tasks. For example, we want to learn from the locals about the city we visit, use local transport and, of course, visit cafes and restaurants. It is about the behavior in … Ler mais

Strange Rules of Portugal

Strange Rules of Portugal

Among the rules and laws of each country, you can find something that will surprise or even shock. Of course, any rules and laws are dictated by the needs of the population. Perhaps, the laws of Portugal, in comparison with the laws of the eastern countries, will seem simply funny, but believe me, there were … Ler mais

Features of Portugal

Features of Portugal

Many people on the planet who have not yet been in Portugal, don’t know that this country has so many interesting details. Even those who have been in Portugal several times already discover more and more new things with each next trip. We decided to collect for you the “national” shtick of Portugal in one … Ler mais

Talk about work and rest in Portuguese

The feeling of a stable state of a person is based on three main components: home, work and a loved one. So let’s talk about it in Portuguese while learning new grammar rules and expanding our vocabulary.   Merging prepositions Even at the very beginning of learning the Portuguese language, we immediately learn that the … Ler mais

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