Popular ways to learn Portuguese

Escola Caravela » Learning Tips
Popular ways to learn Portuguese

Are you interested in learning Portuguese? Do you already think about the best way for you to do it? We have some information for you!   First steps In order to start to learn, you must choose which variant do you prefer to learn. Usually you can choose between European and Brazilian Portuguese. However, be … Ler mais

Portuguese Language: before and after 1990

Escola Caravela » Learning Tips

Amigos, today we are going to talk about a topic that has caused a lot of discussion among natives of the Portuguese language. It has also caused some confusion among the students of the Portuguese language.   The Portuguese “languages” Did you start to study Portuguese a long time ago or did you read older … Ler mais

Communicative Method

Escola Caravela » Learning Tips
Communicative Method - Teaching Portuguese in Portugal

Bom dia! Today we will talk about the Communicative Method, the method used in Caravela School. You will know what it is about and how it works. We also will talk about other methods and approaches. Brief History (1450-1960) The first method of teaching language was Grammar-translation Method (from 1450). This method consists in learn … Ler mais

Is Portuguese a hard language to learn?

Escola Caravela » Learning Tips
Is Portuguese a hard language to learn?

First of all, before we answer to this question, there are three things you have to know. The first one is that the difficulty of the Portuguese language will depends significantly on your mother tongue and in a certain way, on the languages you speak. Second, we will need a referential language to answer this … Ler mais

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