What Portugal Produces

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What Portugal Produces


Due to the favorable climate in Portugal, a variety of cereals are grown (however, much less than in the past). The most popular among them are wheat and corn. Wheat in Portugal grows mainly in the south, while corn grows in the north. Also, potatoes are very popular.

The cultivation of grapes plays a very important role in agriculture. Portugal is one of the leading Western European wine exporters. That is, Portuguese wines are known all over the world. A large number of vineyards can be found in the valleys of the Douro, Mondego and Lima rivers in northern Portugal. And also, the vineyards are located on the Setubal Peninsula south of Lisbon and in the Algarve region.

Portugal’s long coastline has contributed to the development of fisheries. The coastal areas of the country are rich in fish. Sardine predominates in the catch of fishermen. However, tuna, anchovies and cod are caught in Portugal.

As you can see, Portugal can easily feed and water you with its own products. That is, Portugal is great for gastronomic tourism.


Does Portugal produce anything in this area? – you ask. Sure! Portugal keeps up with the rest of the world. For example, in the district of Lisbon, electronic equipment is produced. And in the Lisbon-Setubal zone there are enterprises of the oil refining, chemical, steel, automotive, pulp and paper, food industries, and the production of building materials.

Also, textiles, footwear and furniture are produced in Porto; in Aveiro – wood products; and Brahe for clothing, electronics and consumer goods. In addition, Porto is home to the largest refinery in Portugal.

Tin, tungsten, chromium and uranium are mined from the lands of Portugal. In addition, tungsten is exported in large quantities.


A third of Portugal’s territory is covered with forests. Valuable wood species are pine and cork oak.

Pine wood is widely used in expensive joinery such as furniture, window frames, panels, floors and roofing, and some resin is an important source of turpentine. Also, the resin of some trees is used for the manufacture of cosmetics.

We will tell you more about the topic of eucalyptus and cork oak products.

Eucalyptus paper

The evergreen eucalyptus tree, introduced to Portugal from Australia, has made Portugal the largest paper producer in the world. 4% of the territory of Portugal is occupied by eucalyptus plantations. However, only eucalyptus seedlings are grown on the plantations. Then, the seedlings are distributed to farmers and residents of Portugal. After 12 years, they have to sell the wood from these trees for papermaking.

Why would people spend so many years growing these trees? The answer is very simple. Eucalyptus trees are excellent at draining marshlands, and eucalyptus leaves contain fragrant oil. It can be used as an antiseptic.

However, eucalyptus trees have a drawback. These trees are highly flammable. The fire spreads very quickly, it is upsetting. Although, when all the trees in the forest die during a fire, eucalyptus trees recover well. The foliage grows back rather quickly.

The whole process of making paper from eucalyptus in Portugal is automated. Human participation is required only at the stage of growing trees. Further, the paper is exported to all corners of Europe.

Bark products

Firstly, Portugal is the world leader in the production of cork bark products. Mainly wine corks are made. Literally everything is made from the remnants of the material: covers, wallets, umbrellas, bags, shoes and much more. In any city in

Portugal, there are many shops with cork stuff.

Secondly, it is the bark of the cork oak that has unique properties. It is lightweight, durable, fireproof and flexible. Things made from it have low wear and tear.

Third, trees are not destroyed. Only oak bark is used, which is regenerated again. However, next time you can remove the bark from the tree only after 9 years. This makes the process of obtaining the bark slow. Although, this does not prevent

Portugal from being the world leader in this matter!
How do the Portuguese determine if it’s time to remove the bark? They write on the trunk the year in which they last did it.


In addition to being a mecca for surfing, Portugal also produces the equipment needed to practice the sport. For example, Portugal has several surfboard factories. Factory – it says loudly! In fact, these are workshops where the painstaking work of turning surfboards is done. One mistake can make the board unusable: asymmetry, irregular shape, chipping. Therefore, making surfboards is almost a piece of jewelry.

Also, wetsuits are required for surfing. Especially in Portugal, because the water in the Atlantic Ocean is quite cool. Accordingly, the country is engaged in sewing them.

In addition, there are many surf schools in Portugal. They require large batches of wetsuits of varying sizes and thicknesses to hand out to students. It is so good that Portugal is able to provide its athletes and surfers with their own products!


Portugal has long been known for its Pottery products. In the town of Caldas da Rainha, where one of our Schools is located, there is a ceramic factory with a museum of its products. There you can find products for every taste. From expensive pieces of art to simple items that can be used on a daily basis.

In addition, in Portugal they still produce tableware according to the sketches of the famous master Bordalo Pinheiro. In the 19th century, his works won medals at world exhibitions. If you come across leaf-shaped dishes of cabbage and other vegetables in Portuguese shops, you might recognize Bordalo Pinheiro’s handwriting.


Of course, creativity can hardly be called a product, but we cannot fail to mention fado’s musical style. It is considered one of the symbols of Lisbon and Portugal in general. Only in 2011 was fado recognized as an intangible heritage by UNESCO. And before that, this music was considered “a product of domestic consumption”.

Nowadays it is quite difficult to find a real fado fan among the locals. However, tourists are interested in this musical style. Therefore, one of the compulsory activities in Portugal, they consider visiting a restaurant with fado performers.

This music is special because it expresses an inexplicable feeling of longing for what could have happened but never happened. Modern youth prefers cheerful, danceable music. However, fado will not leave anyone indifferent. Therefore, we believe that Portugal can be proud of this.


A country does not have to own a huge territory with a large population. It is more important to have a big soul, to be able to do everything a little bit, to develop in different directions. And also, not only to satisfy human needs, but to educate people with love for nature and neighbors. We believe that Portugal has succeeded in “producing” talented, intelligent, kind and hospitable people. It is the main achievement!


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